
About me

Mirela OpreaI was born in a small village in Romania, close to the now famous Rosia Montana, where I spent the happiest days of my life, making hay with my grandparents and enjoying the freedom of playing with simple toys (stones, sticks, the cat’s tail, Prichi, etc.).

I m probably the first PhD holder in my family, but nobody makes a fuss about it, as very few family members understand why I had to write about such an obscure topic as ‘Romania as a donor country’.

My grandmother was my first mentor and I remember spending a few hours explaining her why people volunteer if Ceausescu is not there to force them do it any longer. Those were the beautiful years spent with Pro Vobis, the National Volunteer Center. I miss my grandmother (and those years) a lot, as I miss my second mentor, ‘tanti Adi’.

Things I am proud of: my brother who is an independent actor and works with children in Ferentari; ChildPact, the Regional Coalition for Child Protection in the Wider Black Sea Area, ARCADIA, my friends, my ‘significant other’ :).

Through an unexplainable twist of fate, I live between Italy and Romania and I feel like such a nomad.

This blog is a place for me to take stock of my own experiences. I write about the people I meet, the situations I create or encounter, the things I like and the things I hate. The views expressed here are my own and do not in any way represent those of my employer or other organisations that I may be associated with or affliated to.

I am thankful to Roxana: she convinced me that this is worth trying.

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